Prayer Points for 19 August 2024 through 25 August 2024


Prayer Topics:

Watchman on the Wall (Isaiah 62:6)


  1. Watchman from the Hebrew (tsa-phah or “sentinel”, a person whose job is to stand and keep Watch) is derived from a Hebrew verb meaning, to look out or look about, spy, keep watch; to observe; await; behold; look up; wait for.
  2. Setting a Watchman on walls was an ancient custom, for the purpose of warning, of the approach, of an enemy.  Here the idea is that God’s Prophets and Ministers were like watchman, who could not hold their peace or give Him rest day or night, until Prophecy was completely fulfilled in the full restoration of Jerusalem and Israel in their land (v6).  Ministers are often called Watchman (Is 21:11-12; Ez 3:17; 33:7).
  3. Eight Commands of God’s Watchmen:
  • Make mention of the Lord, keep not silence (v6)
  • Give the Lord no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. (v7)
  • Go through, go through the gate. (v10)
  • Prepare ye the way of the people (Is 40:3, the Coming of the Messiah), Our Intercession is how we prepare the people for the Coming of the Messiah.
  • Cast up, Cast up the highway
  • Gather out the stones
  • Lift a standard for the People (v11)
  • Say to Zion, “Behold your Salvation cometh, Behold, His reward is with Him, and His Work before Him”.
  1. A Watchman is one who is assigned a specific list of duties in prayer and warfare that have the following functions:
  • Protection
  • Defense
  • Observation
  • Warning
  • Revelation
  • Offense
  • Execution of written judgement upon principalities and powers, establishing Divine Government of the Church.
  1. What is a “Watchman Pastor”? One who has committed to God, to watch what goes on in culture, pray for wisdom to engage the culture and sound the alarm of perceived, cultural transgression, from the Pulpit.
  2. Ezekiel was called by God to be a Watchman. He told Ezekiel, it was like being a Prophet standing on a tower.  Because prophets have a Holy Calling, they were to be separate from the World, and see things from a higher or more Heavenly point of view. They warn the people of Spiritual Danger. Ezekiel Chapters one and two.
  3. What is a Spiritual Watchman? One who has been uniquely equipped by God, to have eyes to see and ears to hear.  All believers have been given eyes and ears, to see and hear.  But a Watchman must be equipped by God to see what others do not see.  And he has a unique capacity to see when the enemy is invading.
  4. The Ministry of the Watchman is also a Ministry of Prayer that deals with the confrontation of evil on several levels of Spiritual Authority.

Tags: prayer, watchmen, intercessory, watchman

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