Prayer Points for 19 August 2024 through 25 August 2024: Part II


Prayer Topic: 


Prayer for the Hearts of Children


LORD, I pray for every child in my family and the children I know around me to be protected. Specifically, I lift up to You (names of children who are on your heart). Keep the enemy from gaining any ground in their lives in any way. Draw them to You so they will receive You as their Savior before the enemy can erect any stronghold in their lives. For those who have already received You, let the magnitude of what they have done become real to them. Draw them into Your kingdom so they can reject every aspect of evil and dark-ness, especially as they grow older.


Silence the voice of the enemy to these children so they can hear Your voice. Keep them from all confusion and every plan of the enemy for their lives. Enable them to think clearly and make right choices. Where the enemy has already gained some ground in their lives, I pray You would sever that hold and expose the enemy's lies and tactics. Give me wisdom as to how to pray for the children You have put on my heart.


Lord, I claim the hearts of (names of other specific children who need prayer) for Your kingdom. Turn their hearts toward You. I ask that not one be lost in any way. Keep them protected from the evil one. Hide them from wicked men who would attempt to lead them away from everything You have for them and destroy their lives. I pray Your character will be formed in each child. You have said in Your Word that the children of the righteous will be delivered from the evil one (Proverbs 11:21). I pray these children will be taught by You and they will have great peace (Isaiah 54:13).


Give them the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Engrave Your laws on their heart. I pray they will honor their parents so that they can have a long and good life as is promised in Your commandments (Ephesians 6:1-3). Bring godly friends and influences into their life. Give them discernment about people. Bring back any child who has strayed from Your ways. With regard to that, I pray for (name of child or children). Thank You for Your Word to parents whose children have rebelled against them, which is, "Refrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded, says the LoRD, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy" (Jeremiah 31:16). Thank You that our work of prayer and intercession will be rewarded. Thank You that Your promise to us is "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household" (Acts 16:31). I claim these children for Your kingdom, Lord, and no plan of the enemy can cancel that.  In Jesus' name I pray.


There is hope in your future, says the LORD, that your children shall come back to their own border.


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